Want to become a Senior Paws Pet Food Drop Off Site?

cropped 2We are always looking for pet food donations for our client’s furry loved ones. But we know it is sometimes hard for many to travel outside of their own communities to the main office in Denton.

This is why we are so happy that businesses and organizations around the county volunteer to be pet food drop off locations, making it easier for people to give more often!

If you own a business in the county and would like to be considered as a drop off location, we have provided an outline of how to gain approval below:

  1. Your business or organization needs to be a member in good standing in the community and/or the Chamber of Commerce, which will be verified by our Senior Paws Drop Off Coordinator, Kronda Thimesch.

  2. Each potential drop off site must be willing to drive the food up each month to the Span Inc. main office in Denton.

Note: Businesses/Organizations may be denied approval if they are located next to or very close to an existing drop off location (approval may be given at the discretion of the Coordinator).

For more detail please email Kronda at: kronda@GMLTX.com or call 972-492-5495.