Program Description

Congregate Meals

Congregate meals are provided daily in group settings at several senior centers in Denton County. Please see the site map below and join us if you can!

If you can participate in our congregate meal program, you’ll have an opportunity to socialize, while enjoying nutritionally-balanced meals Mondays through Fridays around noon.


Eligibility — Persons 60 years of age or older and their spouses regardless of age, are eligible to participate in this program.


Cost of meals — Meals are provided without charge to those age 60 and older. If you wish, donations are appreciated .  If you are under 60 years of age and would like to enjoy lunch, the cost of each meal is $5.00.



  • Try to sign up for a meal by noon at least the day before, so that a meal can be ordered for you. You can sign up a week in advance.

  • If you do not sign up in advance, you may place your name on the STANDBY list at larger sites. If any meals are left over, you will be served in order of sign-up, as long as extra meals are available.

  • Please note that STANDBY meals are not always available.

                                     Congregate Site Locations 

Denton Senior Center
509 Bell Avenue
Denton, TX 76201
Telephone: 940-349-8720

The Colony Senior Center
5151 N. Colony
The Colony, TX 75056
Telephone: 972-624-2247

American Legion Elder Center 
629 Lakey
Denton, TX 76205
Telephone: 349-8298

Lewisville Senior Center 
1950 S. Valley Parkway (75067)
P.O. Box 299002
Lewisville, TX 75029-9002
Main Telephone: 972-219-5054

Pilot Point Senior Center
310 South Washington
Pilot Point, TX 76258
Telephone: 940-686-2639

Sanger/Sullivan Senior Center
200 Bolivar
Sanger, Texas 76266
Telephone: 940-458-3128

Little Elm

Brenda Button Mills Senior Center

301 Main Street

Little Elm, TX  75068

Telephone:  972-731-1464