How To Help

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Across our country and around the world, people are facing challenges ahead. It is no doubt that the most vulnerable and at-risk populations for contracting COVID-19 lies with our senior friends and family.


At Meals on Wheels of Denton County, we have received an overwhelming number of responses from the community, people who know that the people we serve are the most at risk, and more vulnerable than ever.


Our services are more necessary now than ever before


Because of the number of responses we’ve received, we have decided to let people know in a broad way how they can help their neighbors at-risk.


Meals on Wheels of Denton County is continuously working to create plans to ensure that our seniors do not go hungry, while at the same time addressing the health and safety of our staff and volunteers.


It is our mission to serve those in need. The core of our actions will always be mission-focused:
a mission of help and of hope. Especially in times of turmoil.


At this point in time, the best way to help is through making a monetary donation.

Donations will go towards providing meals for seniors. We are also accepting monetary donations for our Senior Paws recipients.


Click HERE to make a donation


At this point, we are not encouraging food donations. This is due to our effort to limit contact and increase our health and safety measures.

A monetary donation will help us to have a greater impact as we have can purchase food at a lower cost.


At this time of uncertainty, we have seen the compassion and care of our community. North Texans take care of their neighbors, and we have been blessed to be a witness to this outpouring of kindness and generosity. We like to say that we are “more than a meal”, and this statement is more true today than ever.

Thank you for the support of your elderly neighbors as we all look out for one another. We may be forced to distance ourselves from one another physically, but there is still hope and love.The world may change around us, but we will remain here for one another in communal spirit, strength and heart to face this challenge.

Thank you,

Michelle McMahon
Executive Director
Meals on Wheels of Denton County

Other ways to help: