Help With Senior Paws Program

Senior Paws for Pets

Our Meals on Wheels program features a pet food delivery program called Senior Paws. The goal of Senior Paws is to support the needs of our pet-owning Meals on Wheels clients by providing monthly pet food supplements. Senior Paws helps to ensure that seniors are not sharing their hot lunches with their beloved companions when they are unable to afford enough pet food.

Meals on Wheels Denton County’s Senior Paws program is in need of pet food donations to restock our shelves! We will know longer except any open-bag donations. Monetary donations, which are used to purchase pet food as needed, are always welcome.

Given that Senior Paws food is delivered just once a month on a Saturday,  we often are in need of  volunteers to help deliver on these Saturdays. Interested? Please contact us!


You Can Also Help by:

  1. Download the flyer below and share the Senior Paws program with your friends!

               Senior Paws flyer

  1. Donate – We accept the following items on an on-going basis:

               Pet food dishes

Click here to visit our Senior Paws Facebook Page