Client Eligibility

Meal eligibility –To receive Home Delivered Meals, each recipient must be:

  • 60 years or older

  • Genuinely home-bound by reason of physical or emotional health

  • Unable to prepare nutritious meals for themselves and have no one else living in the home who could do this for them

  • Living within reasonable proximity of a meal site

  • Be home to receive meals

  • Have a completed assessment for home delivered meals on file with us

Donations — No charge is made for meals, but donations are accepted. If you wish to contribute, please give any donations to the volunteer or directly mail them to our Meals on Wheels office at 1800 Malone Street, Denton, Texas 76201. Suggested donation is $2.00 per meal.


  • Each meal recipient or representative is asked to inform the site manager or call our Meals on Wheels office (at 940-382-2224) by noon at least one business day in advance, if you will not be home to accept a meal.

  • Cancellations may be long or short term, such as when you may go away to stay with relatives or go to a doctor.

  • Delivery can be resumed the day after your return home if our Meals on Wheels office is notified (at 940-382-2224) by noon the day before the meal is to be received.

Delivery Problems — In the event that a client does not answer the door, the volunteer is to leave a printed YELLOW CARD explaining that the meal cannot be delivered.

Office/Meal Site Closures

  • We do not deliver meals in icy weather or on major holidays. Shelf-stable or frozen meals are sent in advance of most major holidays.

  • Most likely if the ISD (Independent School District) of your city is closed, it is safe to assume that Meals on Wheels will not deliver that day because of bad weather.

  • Please check our website or your local television station for closure information.

Menu Information

  • Each menu varies and contains at least 1/3 of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for older adults. Diabetic meals are available.

  • Client likes or dislikes cannot be accommodated as our food preparation vendor decides what to prepare.

Wait Listing Policy — We do all we can to raise funds to serve seniors in Denton County. If we are not successful in gaining adequate funding to serve a qualified older person, we will place that individual on a waiting list and contact you when we can serve you.

Client Confidentiality –Please rest assured that client names, addresses, telephone numbers, services, case histories, and any paperwork concerning clients will be kept secure and accessible to authorized employees of Meals on Wheels of Denton County only. Our employees will maintain client privacy and will not discuss confidential information.

Click here for: Span, Inc. Policies and Procedures for Ensuring the Security and Privacy of Participants’ Confidential Information